Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Be who you were created to be...

The Creator of the universe created you and I. He has a plan for us. He has a plan for me. Sometimes I get really caught up thinking this life that I'm living is about me. About my family. About my friends. About my happiness. About my business. Then, God showers his grace upon me with a sobering moment of clarity amidst the fogginess of my "self". It's not about me. It's about Him. 

Thank God for that. Because, if it was about me, my life would be a meaningless pile of human efforts added to the trash heap that's already collecting. And, I do mean meaningless. Since we were literally created by the Creator and he loves us and has a plan for us, the only thing that matters is that we are in relationship with him and allowing him to use us for his plan. Because, at the end of the day, God is good. Since he is good, his plans are good.

So, I can trust him. Does that mean only good things will happen to me in my life? Nope. But this life is temporary anyway and he tells us this life will bring trouble. What is good lasts for eternity. So, if I'm suffering through life (like everyone does) and not doing God's good will, what good is my life? But if I'm suffering doing God's will, then my life becomes what it was created to be which will "set the world on fire" making the suffering all the more worth it. The bonus? He gives me things like peace, self-control, gentleness and kindness so it's kind of a win-win.

God, help my heart to be turned toward you, your goodness and your plans. I want the world to know you, to know your goodness, to have the hope and peace only you can bring.

Thanks for joining me on my thought journey today.
XO Amber

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