Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pause, it's Easter.

With Easter rearing it's head, I'm given pause to remember the sacrifice that was made so many years ago for me, for everyone.

This verse is one I've heard many times, yet I've chosen to look at it differently this week. Instead of "the world" and "whoever", I've put in my name to remember that the sacrifice made for the world, was also made just for me.
"For God so loved AMBER that he gave his
one and only Son, that IF AMBER believes in him SHE shall not perish but have eternal life." -John 3:16

It's a bit different when I read this well-known verse with my own name in it (*I'd encourage you to try it too!) And although it is a humbly small show of gratitude for the enormity of what He did, I'm inspired this week to take on a fresh, new servants heart, and redirect my eyes to the cross, as I am reminded that my life is no longer my own, but has been purchased at a great cost. 
And just as important as that posture is the one of celebration and worship knowing that we are able to have eternal life with our creator because sin and death no longer separate us! What an awesome truth to dwell on.

I love this printable word art by

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