My husband loves peach cobbler. Like, really, really loves it.
I never had the pleasure of meeting my mother in law because she passed away before I met my husband. There are so many moments I've wanted to share with this incredible woman whom I've never met but feel like I know somehow. I would have wanted her to give me the 3rd degree when her son brought me over to meet her for the first time. I would have wanted her to be at our wedding giving a speech only a mother can and taking way too many pictures. I would have wanted her to hold Bailey in her arms for the first time and see her son stare back at her through her granddaughter's eyes. I would have wanted to do crafty things with her... Donald tells me we have that in common. I wish we could have spent holidays cooking together. When Donald talks about his mom's cooking, it isn't long before he'll bring up her peach cobbler. He raves about it and how I would love to have helped her in the kitchen following along to her recipe. I've made a few different recipes trying to capture his favorite dessert pastime with little success. But as silly as it sounds, that recipe is one thing I wish I had so that I could make something for him that so much reminds him of her.
There are so many moments I would love to have, but would never take the opportunity even if I could. Because she's in a far better place, in paradise, in the presence of Jesus who dries every tear and far surpasses any joy we can have on this earth. I'll still try new cobbler and pie recipes because there's even joy in the attempt of it. Although I have a feeling no peach cobbler I could ever make will be quite the same.
Here's my latest and it was really amazing (but not quite Sheila's). Thank you, Sheila, for inspiring me through pie making even though you're not here, I feel like it brings us closer... and I'm doing my best to love your son and granddaughter. ;)
Your daughter in law,
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